This level is not supose to be challenging, it just allows you to use Sir Lothar in an attack on a town scenerio instead of in the Dungeon. Due to the type of level it is you can't build anything or make more men. You can however upgrade everything before the attack. You may notice several things won't work in this level, that's because of the header information ,and no one has created a utility to change the individual info inside the header. I could probably make a level similar to this one but have mediv or garona in it. IF SIR LOTHAR DIES YOU LOSE! Sorry but that's what is in the header and I couldn't change it. OJECTIVES FOR THIS LEVEL *keep Sir Lothar alive *find the orc town and destroy it *Defend your town from ogres NOTE: Even when you destroy the town it still won't go to the victory screen, so when you can't see any red on the screen you won. Remeber, I didn't make this level to be challenging I made it so that you can use Sir Lothar in an attack against a town. If you feel like cheating, go right ahead, as long as your having fun. ,